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10 habits of a successful mom-boss

It may seem a bit over the top, over-whelming or over-achieving for a full time mother to also run a full time business. But woman do it all the time and they are success full. My hats are off to all the mom-bosses out there who have figured out how to juggle their kids, the laundry, cooking, feeling the cat, maybe even homeschooling or arriving on time to all the sports events plus running a successful business.

Here are 10 things I've learned over the past decade of being a wife, mother and running a small business to truly give you the leg up you need to be on top of your game.

1. Get up early. And when I say early, I mean before the kids

When my kids get up before I do, I feel like just never catch up. That the day is always just one step ahead of me. When I get up even just one hour before the children, suddenly I feel like I have life by the tail. (bonus points for throwing a load of laundry in first thing)

2. Read your Bible and Pray

A dear friend taught me the SOAP way of spending time with Jesus. Growing up Mennonite had put a damper on soaking up the scripture for me because it was all about law and duty. When I started to SOAP it suddenly began to feed my soul with nuggets of truth I could hang onto all day.

3. Plan your day/Bullet journal

Even if you are not a list person like I am, planning your day will make you much more effective. It clears your mind of clutter and misdirection. When I have a list to check off I am 80% more productive then if I wonder through the day filling it with busy work. I can always seem to find a reason to push off cleaning the fridge till next week or emailing the client with information or taking that walk. But if it's written on a list, it is just calling to be checked off. If you are a bit OCD like I am anyway, having 5 things checked and one left undone is simply unbearable. A business coach once guaranteed a company success if the employees simply wrote down 6 of the most important things they needed to get done that day. It literally changed the company!

4. Wash your face and wear make up

We try to eat healthy, wear clothes that flatter, walk around the block every now and then for exercise. So why would we not take care of the part of us that best expresses who we are. Shamefully I did not used to do this. I climbed into bed at night without washing the day off my face and I started a new day with out being fresh and cared for. Do we somehow think that we are not important enough to take time for ourselves? We we not value how our husband might feel waking up to a dried out face smeared with leftover mascara? More then that, do we not have self respect? I'm speaking to myself ladies. I doubt most of you have this challenge, but I went for years not knowing any better. But now, I'm a new person. In so many ways, but it all starts with the little choices. When I take time to look cared for and feel cared for, I end up being more confident and able to reach out to the people around me and give. It's a fact, loved people love others, cared for people care for others. Sometimes that means we need to love and take care of ourselves so we are equipped for the job we are given.

5. Drink water. Lots of it

But you already do this right? Water is important for your health. I won't go into that here, you can search Pintrest for all the fact lists. But for me it helps keep my head clear and focused. I drink 3 quarts a day plus a cup or two of herbal tea. Leave those sugary/caffeinated drinks to the birds. They do not nourish your body.

6. Make a time block for your business. Don't let it consume every minute of your day

Like I said before, I'm a list person, I even make an hour by hour schedule for my day. If any of you run a home business, you know the work is never done. And if any of you are a stay at home mom, you know the work is never done. So if you are both of those literally never have a good time to stop. With my schedule of time blocking, when the hour is up, I stand up, close my computer, and leave the office. Same way with the house, maybe the floor still needs mopped or the tub hasn't been cleaned, I stop and walk away. I schedule time for myself and time for my kids. Now that gets a little messy because they need you like ALLLL the time and they of course come first. When they come to talk to me while I'm working they know that I will listen, but they will need to wait till my break if they want me to paint with them. Of course this schedule has to be kept very loosely and you need to be flexible to it changing, but for the most part, it keeps me focused, on track and very effective.

7. Exercise

JUST DO IT. I know I know. You don't have time or you hate it or you have kids and can't get away or or or.... We have plenty of excuses. Personally I think exercise is another point of self respect. Even if you don't have weight to lose, it's about staying in shape, being strong and healthy and prepared for whatever life throws at you. My mantra is: If it is important to you, you will do it! Throw out the excuses and take the kids for a walk around the park. Do planks between phone calls. Do squats while you are folding laundry. Hop on that dusty treadmill for just 20 minutes after supper and see changes happen in your body. You will feel like you can accomplish even more when you have energy, and funny enough, heightened energy comes from spending energy. Find your own routine and stick with it.

8. Make your kids feel important

Even if you have to tell them that you are in the middle of something let them know that you will take time for them. Give them a time frame to look forward to and keep your promise. Let them know whats going on with your work schedule and how they fit into it. I home school my daughter at a table right beside my desk. I work while she works but I'm here for her. The 2 toddlers play around my feet. Then we all take a break. We swing and read stories and do chores. Then I tell them I need to get back to work and it it their time to play and explore. We have a huge back yard and they are learning to use their own imagination and develop their brains and learn about the world without having their hands held. It is good for them and good for me to let them. We take a day a week for just us time and go to town for ice cream or visit the beach. I struggle so much with mom guilt, but I know my kids are loved and they know I'm always here for them.

9. Make your husband feel first and important

I share all my ideas and challenges of work and family with my husband. He shares his with me. We LISTEN to each other. Take time to notice his preferences, what kind of coffee he likes and when he needs guy time. Keep your romance alive and always share your joys and dreams together. Hopefully you married your best friend, so keep it that way and continue to cultivate your friendship. We do a date night about once a month without the children. It's all about us. Strong marriages grow strong children into strong adults who will one day be the leaders and ground shakers in our country.

10. Wear heals (or wedges)

This may not seem important, but trust me, it is. Especially if you are 5'2.5"like me. It kicks date-night up a notch (who doesn't feel fab in red heals and jeans?) It's makes a trip to town, even the grocery store, interesting. I've noticed that people respect people who respect themselves. It makes you walk with your shoulders straight and your tummy tucked. Who can waddled and slouch with heals on anyway?? I love how I feel in heals-(and I love to kick them off when I get home)

I just don't think I would want to buy something from some one who wearing flip flops, would you?

There you have my recipe for success. Add your own twist and make it yours.

Stay tuned for more blog posts as I expand on each point and give lots of printable freebies for your success.

From the desk of

Audrey's Joy in the Journey.

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