Simply BEING
Recently I heard this quote: "you are either growing or you are dying." I have to agree and the truth is, being stagnant, self absorbed or simply without purpose is only breeding ground for bacteria & lies.
As much as this may seem like a contradiction, my "growth" right now is learning the art of simply BEING. Sometimes we think that we need to be productive to show growth. But there is so much value in learning the joy of BEING who we are designed to be. Our self-confidence, self-respect, personal value and identity is all forged in knowing who were were designed to be. ( and all of that is rooted in knowing the Creator. )

Take a look at the butterfly's existence for a moment. She is a glorious beauty to behold. As she effortlessly flits from flower to flower, simply being beautiful and bringing beauty and joy to all who see her, she is glorifying her creator. She doesn't have to try to be productive or prove herself. She simply IS. And as she is BEING, she naturally and effortlessly is pollinating as she goes, fulfilling her destiny and purpose.
Christians have so much pressure to find their destiny or calling. To be DOING good works and making a difference in the world. What would happen if we would first learn who we were meant to BE? Would the productiveness simply flow into existence from our place of BEING?
It's been a time of digging deep and pushing past the obstacles in my own mind to learn the art of BEing. There was fear connected to not being noticeably productive. There was fear of becoming lazy. There was fear of what others might think of my less-then-full lifestyle. There was guilt from not living to my "fullest potential". I believe there is a place to address each of those issues but right here, right now I'm learning who God designed me to be without having to perform.
What does the art of BEing mean to me?

I'm learning that it's not putting guilt on myself for not having a life that looks like anyone else's. Next it is letting go of the expectations I have on myself to have my life to look a certain way. It's making little healthy changes every day that become habits that make BEing my best self possible. It's doing things that naturally bring me joy; like working in my herb garden, drying and blending spices. Watching my mama hen and her seven chicks. Snuggling my children and reading them stories or hanging out at the library for hours because we can. It's working out when I have the energy and resting when I don't. It's being still and quiet so that I can soak up creation and worship the Creator. As I am BEing, inevitably it flows into DOING. But now, the doing can be out of an overflow of who I AM and what I have to give because of Christ in me. And then I can Do from a place of BE, because I'm confident of who I AM in Christ. There is no fear, only love and purpose and clarity and fulfillment. Like the butterfly, when I am BEING, I'm fulfilling my purpose and bringing glory to my Creator.
Now go BE YOU and live loved like the butterfly.