The benefits of self-care/self respect and a FREE 3 Minute makeover tutorial
Every mom I know is all about convenience, cutting corners, saving a buck and saving time. Saving time is a biggie. Moms have the same 24 hours as everyone else to get everything done. The only problem is, we have twice as much to do! I think that is because we are doing all the things for everyone else. And by “everyone else” I mean, all the short, little plump people in our lives.
This leads to self-care taking a back seat. Which leads to burnout. Which leads to us not being able to joyfully care for those little plump people in our lives.
Let me share a little secret I learned in the past year; the better I care for myself and handle my sh**, the better I can care for everyone else. And remember, I’m a homeschooling mom of 3, ages 7,3, and 1. Plus I run an in-home business and my husband works out of town 5 days a week. So if I can set aside a few minutes throughout the month for self care, you surely can find the time too. This is what “handling my sh**” looks like for me.
Shower. Everyday.It wakes you up and gives you self respect.
Do the 3 minute “mom makeover” Watch my video for a FREE tutorial
Read my Bible and pray for strength
Get a babysitter so I can have a day off a month.
These are things everyone can do. No matter where you are in life. When I feel refreshed, cared for, and like I respect myself, I do not feel taken advantage of, run over or forgotten. Neither am I looking for my husband to fill all those needs nor expect my children not to annoy me or use me. We all know that’s what children do, after all, they are children. And when the neighbor knocks on the door, or you have to run to town for groceries, or your BFF shows up unexpectedly from out of state, you can feel confident about how you look.
“There is beauty in Confidence”.
And for an added bonus, when my husband gets home from working who-knows-where, I greet him looking fresh and cared for. Not haggard and spent and worn out with nothing to give. After all, he has worked hard all week too and home should be a refreshing haven for him to look forward to. (and when the time is right, I will have my reward :))
So go get ‘em girl! You got this. Take care of yourself and the world around you will reflect your joy.
From the desk of
Audrey’s Joy in the Journey