Mind over Matter

I recently did a live fb video after a hard workout about "mind over matter". Since then, that phrase keeps popping into my mind with everything I do when I feel like I’m at the end of my endurance or when I have an opportunity to make a good choice, or not so good choice.

This mental shift all started by listening to an 8 hour podcast about the life of Joan of Arc. If you don’t know her story you really should look her up. She is an interesting character with a colorful story.
The biggest thing about her short life in the spotlight, is the fact that she believed so much in her mission that nothing, and I mean NOTHING, not even torture or risk of death could sway her from her goal. No amount of physical pain or mental agony could derail her passion.
As I was running that afternoon, I had her on my mind. Of course, who wouldn't, after having her in your head for 8 hours? Now mind you, I’ve just started running again after the birth of my 3rd child ( and when I say “after”, I mean way after, as in, 19 months after. ) I’m going easy on myself and slowly working up in 5 minutes blocks. But on this particular day, I could hardly make it through even the first 5 minutes of running. My lungs were about to burst into flames and float to the ground like blackened pieces of paper and my legs were going to unhinge and fall off, or so I thought.