A letter to you
My dear Sister,
(yes my dear, that's you if you are reading this)

When God laid this idea on my heart last weekend, I felt utterly incapable. Like Moses, with so many excuses. Then you came to mind. I'm writing this with tears in my eyes and chills going through my body. I know I'm called to do this big thing but I don't even know where to start. So I'm asking, would you help me?
This is how the flame started. I was outside presser washing our carport floor late one evening. It was already dark and the kids were inside watching a movie. I'd been working on the floor for what seemed like 2-3 hours already and I was getting bored and exhausted. Needing something to do with my mind, I started to pray. Pray for my children, our extended family, and for our president.
I prayed for the things that weighed on my heart. This whole Covid-19 thing does not bring me any fear, but I hate what the fear is doing to our nation. And from the little bit I glean from not even watching the news, I can feel that our president and our nation is under attack from the enemy. There is a bigger story at play that most of us cannot see, that has nothing to do with the corona virus. When I got to the part about praying for Trump, I felt lost. What difference can I make? I don't even have a CLUE what’s going on and I don't want to. That's not my job. But pray, I can pray. And mothers all over the world that are home with their kids, feeling helpless yet wanting to contribute, they can pray too. Then a small flame seemed to flicker in my heart. It grew with more intense heat until Monday morning I shared the idea with my husband. I shared the vision and my doubts. He was only encouraging!
I feel a call to share this fire to others hearts. I see mothers all over the world rising up, banding together in intersession for our country, speaking out truth. We are not only raising the next generation of godly leaders and influential people, but we can change the world that is our children's future. I see a flame over each woman's head that is praying while she washes dishes, while she home schools, while she does laundry and pushes the kids on the swing. Praying woman! A mighty flame. TOGETHER. PASSIONATELY. Not passively. Reaching the heavens and breaking through the darkness.
Sister, will you join me? Call a friend and ask them to pray with you one day this week. Pray with your children, with your husband, with your mom. Together, we can be a mighty fire that sweeps the earth and pushes back the darkness. Share this blog with some one and let the fire pass from hand to hand. Holy Spirit come.

A flame in the wind - Audrey